Source code for eqsig.stockwell

import numpy as np
import eqsig.multiple

[docs]def plot_stock(splot, asig, norm_x=False, norm_all=False, interp=False, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Plots the Stockwell transform of an acceleration signal Parameters ---------- splot: matplotlib.pyplot.subplot asig: eqsig.Signal norm_x: bool, default=False If true then all values at a time step are normalised by the maximum value norm_all: bool, default=False If true the all values are normalised by the maximum value Returns ------- None """ if not hasattr(asig, "swtf"): asig.swtf = transform(asig.values, interp=interp) b = abs(asig.swtf) if interp: b = b[int(len(b) / 2):] if norm_all: b = b / np.max(b) if norm_x: b = b / np.max(b, axis=0) max_freq = 1 / asig.dt / 2 # if interp: # max_freq /= 2 min_freq = 1.0 / (len(asig.swtf) * asig.dt * 2) extent = (0, asig.time[-1], min_freq, max_freq) kwargs = {} if cmap is not None: kwargs['cmap'] = cmap # rainbow, gnuplot2, plasma if vmin is not None: kwargs['vmin'] = vmin if vmax is not None: kwargs['vmax'] = vmax return splot.imshow(b, aspect='auto', extent=extent, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_tifq_vals(subplot, tifq_vals, dt, norm_all=False, norm_x=False, cmap=None): """ Plots a time frequency spectrum (e.g. Stockwell transform) Same as `plot_stock` but takes in values (tifq_vals) and time step (dt) instead of AccSignal object. Parameters ---------- subplot: matplotlib.pyplot.subplot tifq_vals: 2-d array time-frequency values dt: float time step norm_x: bool, default=False If true then all values at a time step are normalised by the maximum value norm_all: bool, default=False If true the all values are normalised by the maximum value Returns ------- None """ b = tifq_vals if norm_all: b = b / np.max(b) if norm_x: b = b / np.max(b, axis=0) max_freq = 1 / dt / 2 # if interp: # max_freq /= 2 min_freq = 1.0 / (len(tifq_vals) * dt) total_time = len(tifq_vals[0]) * dt extent = (0, total_time, min_freq, max_freq) kwargs = {} if cmap is not None: kwargs['cmap'] = cmap # rainbow, gnuplot2, plasma subplot.imshow(b, aspect='auto', extent=extent, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_stockwell_freqs(asig): return (len(asig.swtf) / 2 - np.arange(0, int(len(asig.swtf) / 2))) / (len(asig.values) * asig.dt)
[docs]def get_stockwell_times(asig): return np.arange(0, len(asig.swtf[0])) * asig.dt / 2
[docs]def plot_fas_at_time(splot, asig, time): """Plots the Fourier amplitude spectrum at a time based on a Stockwell transform""" if not hasattr(asig, "swtf"): asig.swtf = transform(asig.values) indy = int(time / asig.dt) * 2 # 2 since Stockwell has twice as many points points = len(asig.swtf) freqs = np.arange(1, points + 1) / (points * asig.dt) splot.plot(freqs, np.flipud(abs(asig.swtf[:, indy])))
[docs]def plot_windowed_fas_at_time(splot, asig, time, time_window=3): """Plots the time averaged Fourier amplitude spectrum at a time based on a Stockwell transform""" if not hasattr(asig, "swtf"): asig.swtf = transform(asig.values) indy = int(time / asig.dt) * 2 # 2 since Stockwell has twice as many points window = int(time_window / (asig.time[-1] / asig.npts)) s_i = max(int(indy - window / 20), 0) f_i = max(int(indy + window / 20), len(asig.swtf)) points = len(asig.swtf) freqs = np.arange(1, points + 1) / (points * asig.dt) splot.plot(freqs, np.flipud(np.mean(abs(asig.swtf[:, s_i:f_i]), axis=1)))
[docs]def generate_gaussian(n_d2): """create a gaussian distribution""" f_half = np.arange(0, n_d2 + 1, 1) / (2 * n_d2) f = np.concatenate((f_half, np.flipud(-f_half[1:-1]))) p = 2 * np.pi * np.outer(f, 1. / f_half[1:]) return np.exp(-p ** 2 / 2).transpose() # * np.exp(1j * p / n_d2)
[docs]def transform_w_scipy_fft(acc, interp=False): """ Performs a Stockwell transform on an array Assumes m = 1, p = 1 :param acc: array_like :return: """ from scipy.linalg import toeplitz from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft # Try use scipy.fft acc_db = acc n_d2 = int(len(acc) / 2) n_factor = 2 * n_d2 gaussian = generate_gaussian(n_d2) fa = fft(acc_db, n_factor, overwrite_x=True) diag_con = toeplitz(np.conj(fa[:n_d2 + 1]), fa) diag_con = diag_con[1:n_d2 + 1, :] # first line is zero frequency stock = np.flipud(ifft(diag_con * gaussian, axis=1)) return stock
[docs]def transform(acc, interp=False): """ Performs a Stockwell transform on an array Assumes m = 1, p = 1 :param acc: array_like :return: """ from scipy.linalg import toeplitz acc_db = acc n_d2 = int(len(acc) / 2) n_factor = 2 * n_d2 gaussian = generate_gaussian(n_d2) fa = np.fft.fft(acc_db, n_factor) diag_con = toeplitz(np.conj(fa[:n_d2 + 1]), fa) diag_con = diag_con[1:n_d2 + 1, :] # first line is zero frequency stock = np.flipud(np.fft.ifft(diag_con * gaussian, axis=1)) return stock
[docs]def transform_slow(acc, interp=False, ith=0): """ Performs a Stockwell transform on an array Assumes m = 1, p = 1 :param acc: array_like :return: """ from scipy.linalg import toeplitz acc_db = acc n_d2 = int(len(acc) / 2) n_factor = 2 * n_d2 gaussian = generate_gaussian(n_d2) fa = np.fft.fft(acc_db, n_factor) diag_con = toeplitz(np.conj(fa[:n_d2 + 1]), fa) diag_con = diag_con[1:n_d2 + 1, :] # first line is zero frequency skip_is = 0 # can skip more low frequencies since they tend to be zero aa = diag_con[skip_is:, :] * gaussian[skip_is:, :] upstock = np.zeros_like(aa) aa = aa[:-ith, :] upstock[:-ith, :] = np.fft.ifft(aa, axis=1) stock = np.flipud(upstock) return stock
[docs]def dep_itransform(stock): """Performs an inverse Stockwell Transform""" from scipy.fftpack import ifft # Try use scipy.fft return np.real(ifft(np.sum(stock, axis=1)))
[docs]def itransform(stock): """Performs an inverse Stockwell Transform""" ss = np.sum(stock, axis=1) n = 2 * len(ss) fas_ss = np.zeros(2 * len(ss), dtype=complex) fas_ss[1:n // 2] = np.flip(np.conj(ss[1:]), axis=0) fas_ss[n // 2 + 1:] = ss[1:] acc_new = np.fft.ifft(fas_ss) npts = int(np.ceil(2 ** (np.log(n) / np.log(2)))) return np.real(acc_new[:npts])
[docs]def get_max_stockwell_freq(asig): if not hasattr(asig, "swtf"): asig.swtf = transform(asig.values) points = len(asig.swtf) freqs = np.arange(1, points + 1) / (2 * points * asig.dt) freqs = np.flipud(freqs) indy_max = np.argmax(abs(asig.swtf), axis=0) max_f = np.take(freqs, indy_max) return max_f
[docs]def get_max_tifq_vals_freq(tifq_values, dt): points = len(tifq_values) freqs = np.arange(1, points + 1) / (2 * points * dt) freqs = np.flipud(freqs) indy_max = np.argmax(abs(tifq_values), axis=0) max_f = np.take(freqs, indy_max) return max_f
[docs]def plot_max_freq_azimuth(splot, asig1, asig2, max_f=None, norm=False, r_steps=90): r = np.linspace(0, 180, r_steps) theta = np.pi * r / 180 ys = [] for i in range(len(r)): asigc = eqsig.multiple.combine_at_angle(asig1, asig2, r[i]) freqs = np.clip(get_max_stockwell_freq(asigc), None, max_f) if norm: norm_freqs = (freqs - np.min(freqs)) / (np.max(freqs) - np.min(freqs)) ys.append(norm_freqs) else: ys.append(freqs) ys = np.array(ys).T splot.pcolormesh(theta[np.newaxis], asig1.time[:, np.newaxis], ys) splot.set_thetamin(0) splot.set_thetamax(180)
if __name__ == '__main__': from tests import conftest from eqsig import load_signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import eqsig # asig = load_signal(conftest.TEST_DATA_DIR + "test_motion_dt0p01.txt", astype="acc_sig") # asig = eqsig.interp_to_approx_dt(asig, 0.05) # bf, sps = plt.subplots(nrows=3) # plot_stock(sps[0], asig, norm_x=True, interp=True, cmap='plasma') # vals = itransform(asig.swtf) # sps[1].plot(asig.time, vals) # asig1 = eqsig.AccSignal(vals, asig.dt, lw=1) # sps[1].plot(asig.time, asig.values, lw=1) # sps[2].plot(asig1.fa_frequencies, asig1.fa_spectrum, lw=1) # sps[2].plot(asig.fa_frequencies, asig.fa_spectrum, lw=1) # # f = 5.0 # t = np.linspace(0, 10, 5001) # # w = chirp(t, f0=12.5, f1=2.5, t1=10, method='linear') # # stock = transform(w) # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=False) # ax[0].plot(t, w) # ax[0].set(ylabel='amplitude') # ax[1].imshow(np.abs(stock), origin='lower') # ax[1].axis('tight') # ax[1].set(xlabel='samples', ylabel='frequency') #